League Rules

Ultimate Frisbee (7-on-7)

Unless otherwise stated, all TRSL Ultimate rules and regulations are in accordance with USA Ultimate’s Official Rules of Ultimate 11th Edition (http://www.usaultimate.org/resources/officiating/rules/default.aspx)

CHANGES to the Official USA Ultimate Rules for TRSL Ultimate

  1. (III.A. and B.) The standard field of play is approximately 40 yards wide by 60 yards long with 10 yard end zones. Fields may need to be slightly shorter or narrower to accommodate playing areas.
  2. (V.A.) Games are played until one team reaches 19 goals, or until time has expired. Halftime occurs when one team reaches 10 goals or 40 minutes have expired (whichever is first). 2nd half ends after 40 minutes of play or one team reaches 19 points (whichever is first). (V.B.) Halftime lasts 5 minutes or less.
  3. (V.C.) Games will NOT end in a tie. If a game is tied when time runs out, play one more point.
  4. (VI.) There are NO time-outs.
  5. (VIII.A.4.) If a team cannot field the minimum number of players by game time the other team is awarded one goal. If a team is still not ready after 5 minutes a 2nd goal, and after 10 minutes a 3rd goal is awarded. At 15 minutes past game time they will forfeit the game and a score of 10-0 will be recorded.
  6. (VIII.B.4.) Each team must have a minimum of 5 players (min. 2 of each gender) to start or continue playing.

TRSL Rulings

  1. (IV.B.) Hard knee braces are ONLY allowed if covered with a soft padding or similar material. Unprotected “hard” knee braces endanger the safety of other players.
  2. Foot blocks are allowed.

HI-LITES/FAQ from the Official USA Ultimate Rules

  1. (XVI.H.4.) Dangerous, aggressive behaviour, or reckless disregard for the safety of fellow players or harmful endangerment is always a foul. This rule is not superseded by any other rule.
  2. (XVI.H.) It is the responsibility of all players to avoid contact in every way possible.
  3. (XIV.B.3.) Disc-space: If a line between any two points on the marker touches the thrower or is less than one disc diameter away from the torso or pivot of the thrower, it is a disc space violation. However, if this situation is caused solely by movement of the thrower, it is not a violation.
  4. (X.A.) If a turnover results in a team gaining possession in the end zone that they are defending, the player in possession must immediately either put the disc into play at the spot of the disc or carry the disc directly to the closest point on the goal line and put it into play at that spot.
  5. A non-standing player may lose contact with their pivot to stand up even after a fake as long as the pivot is re-established at the same location.
  6. (XV.D.) If offensive and defensive players catch the disc simultaneously, the offense retains possession.
  7. (XV.E.) When judging if a pass was caught before hitting the ground, grass is considered part of the ground.

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